Black 3D Aflamo Unique built-in linear electric fireplace

4.010,00 lei Regular price 4.228,00 lei
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Specifications firebox 254 cm

Length (cm) 254 cm
Height (cm) 43 cm
Depth (cm) 20 cm
Supply voltage (V) 220
Heating power (Watt) 1600W
Power steps 2
Power step values 750W
Heating capacity (m2) 37 m²
Thermostat Adjustable
Accessory Set of Logs, Set of Crystals
Firebox weight (Kg) 63 Kg

Specifications firebox 183 cm

Length (cm) 183 cm
Height (cm) 43 cm
Depth (cm) 20 cm
Supply voltage (V) 220
Heating power (Watt) 1600W
Power steps 2
Power step values 750W
Heating capacity (m2) 37 m²
Thermostat Adjustable
Accessory Set of Logs, Set of Crystals
Firebox weight (Kg) 45 Kg

Specifications firebox 165 cm

Length (cm) 165 cm
Height (cm) 43 cm
Depth (cm) 20 cm
Supply voltage (V) 220
Heating power (Watt) 1600W
Power steps 2
Power step values 750W
Heating capacity (m2) 37 m²
Thermostat Adjustable
Accessory Set of Logs, Set of Crystals
Firebox weight (Kg) 40 Kg

Specifications firebox 153 cm

Length (cm) 153 cm
Height (cm) 43 cm
Depth (cm) 20 cm
Supply voltage (V) 220
Heating power (Watt) 1600W
Power steps 2
Power step values 750W
Heating capacity (m2) 37 m²
Thermostat Adjustable
Accessory Set of Logs, Set of Crystals
Firebox weight (Kg) 35 Kg

Specifications firebox 127 cm

Length (cm) 127 cm
Height (cm) 40 cm
Depth (cm) 20 cm
Supply voltage (V) 220
Heating power (Watt) 1600W
Power steps 2
Power step values 750W
Heating capacity (m2) 37 m²
Thermostat Adjustable
Accessory Set of Logs, Set of Crystals
Firebox weight (Kg) 30 Kg

Specifications firebox 107 cm

Length (cm) 107 cm
Height (cm) 43 cm
Depth (cm) 20 cm
Supply voltage (V) 220
Heating power (Watt) 1600W
Power steps 2
Power step values 750W
Heating capacity (m2) 37 m²
Thermostat Adjustable
Accessory Set of Logs, Set of Crystals
Firebox weight (Kg) 25 Kg

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Paul Dan Cantor
Arata bine si merge bine - NU ARE BOXA INCORPORATA

Imi place acest produs, arata ca in video sau poze, flacara pare realista. Intr-adevar, suruburile de la panoul de sticla sunt cam slabute.

Ofer 3 stele pentru ca nu are sunet incorporat. Are o BOXA wireless cu un micro SD in ea care ruleaza un sunet de foc. Boxa e de o calitate indoielnica si lucrul asta e putin frustrant pentru mine. As fi preferat sa aiba boxa lui incorporata, sa nu trebuiasca sa mai ascund o boxa mica wireless pe undeva prin casa.

La fel instructiunile de montare nu sunt foarte clare, m-am chinuit putin pana mi-am dat seama cum desfac sticla.